code of conduct

As a parent at  PROVIDENCE ACADEMY I acknowledge of my responsibility in regard to the school and its education objectives. I undertake to support the school in its efforts to build an education institution of academic, cultural and sporting excellence.

I undertake as far as possible to institute in my child a sense of loyalty and pride in PROVIDENCE ACADEMY by:

  • Maintaining a positive attitude in the home with regard to educators, fellow learners of all race groups and the school community in general.
  • Ensuring that my child adheres to all the school rules (which may alter where deemed necessary from time to time.
  • Ensure that my child is neatly dressed in correct school uniform, games uniform PE uniform as laid down by the school management team.
  • Undertake to provide transport for my child should he/she be required to stay at school after hours.
  • Teaching my child the value of respect for school property, his/her own property and the property of others at all the times.
  • To practice good sportsmanship by encouraging the learner and not coaching them from the side line, nor interfering with referees or empires’ decisions.
  • And to teach my child that, education is not only a right but is to be viewed as a privilege by:

*Regularly checking that homework is complete.

*Ensuring that my child is equipped with the correct books, stationery and equipment for each day for all her/his subjects.

*Promptly contacting school in the event of any illness or problems experienced and ensuring that a written note accompanies daughter/son on the day they return to school.

*Undertaking to provide my child with transport to and from school.

*Undertaking to pay the school fees within the stipulated time period on the 1st of each month or in advance.

As a learner of PROVIDENCE ACADEMY, I have access to a quality education. I am able to pursue my studies in an encouraging secure and successful education environment. To help achieve this, I accept the following responsibilities and agree:

  • To pursue my studies with dedication, honesty and diligence.
  • To avoid any action that disrupts lessons, or in any way infringe on the educators’ rights to teach and the right of learners to learn.
  • To contribute and voice my opinion honestly and openly but politely.
  • To attend school regularly, and to attend all classes during the school day.
  • To be on time for start of the school day and every lesson.
  • To respect the dignity of all learners and staff.
  • To be considerate and supportive in my action towards all learners and staff.
  • To behave in an exemplary manner outside school when representing the school.
  • To show courtesy to visitors in the school.
  • To avoid engaging in any activity that may jeopardize the safety, security or academic progress of any other person.
  • To refrain from bringing illegal substances, dangerous objects or offensive material to school.
  • To preserve and protect school property entrusted to me.
  • Never to steal, damage, hide or move other people’s property.
  • To be responsible for the care of my own possessions.
  • To wear the required school uniform with pride and according to rules, both inside and outside the school.
  • To display good sportsmanship by encouraging team spirit and being respectful towards opponents.
  • To respect people of color, creed, religion or culture.
  • To obey the “school rules”
  1. Uniform



Dress Length: not more than 12cm from floor to hem kneeling.

Track suit is for extra mural activities only. No part of it may be worn with normal school uniform.

Shirt/Blazer to be worn with all buttons

Always have your student card at all the times.

  1. Hairstyles: No fancy hairstyles or fashion statements are permitted. Hair may not be cut in extreme style. It may not be bleached; dye or coloured in artificial or exaggerated colours. Long hair is to be tied back with plain black accessories only. Excessively long uncontrolled hair extensions are regarded as fashion statements and are not permitted. Hair may only be black.
  2. Earings: Only small, plain, gold or silver, sleepers or studs may be worn. A matching pair must be worn and in the middle of the ear lobe. A sleeper has SAME diameter its entire circumference. Any unacceptable jewellery or incorrect earring will be confiscated. Items may only be collected at the end of the term.
  3. Jewellery: Only a wrist watch and medic alert disc may be worn. No other jewellery or religious symbol of any description may be visible. There may be no visible body piercing, this includes tongue and nose piercing. No tattoos may be visible.

5.Make up: No make-up is permitted.

  1. Nails: Excessively long nails are not permitted. Only clear nails vanish may be worn.
  2. Absenteeism: A note explaining your absence must be brought to school the day you return. If you do not bring the note you will have one hour detention on that day.

8.Late coming: Any pupil who is late twice in one week will attend a 2 hour detention on that Friday afternoon. No pupil may be late or miss a lesson without a valid excuse. Be at least 15minutes early.

  1. No learner may sit anywhere in the building during breaks unless specific instructions have been given. Sitting or waiting on any corridor or steps underground or on 10th floor is not allowed.
  2. If you are ill, you are to get a note from the Deputy Principal and then report to the security .No pupil under any circumstances, may phone to be collected from school during school time without permission from the Deputy Principal. No learner, under any circumstances may leave the school ground without permission.
  3. Everyone is to keep to the left in corridors and stairways and always step aside and greet staff members and visitors to the school.

12. Cell phones, IPods and Mp3players. If any instrument rings/makes noise of any description at any time when pupils are under supervision by a staff member or a pupil uses an instrument in the school buildings it will be confiscated for a period of not less than six weeks. Talking on cellphones while walking on corridors /along the steps is not permitted. Utilizing any instrument during lessons is NOT permitted.

  1. Smoking is not allowed at any time while in school uniform or outgoing for pupils organized by the school. No pupil in school uniform should be in possession of illegal substances. These are serious offences and will be dealt with accordingly.
  2. Learners MAY NOT CHEW GUMS while in school uniform or games uniform. No eating while a learner is walking along the corridors.
  3. When in school uniform there will be no physical contact, of any description with a male or female.
  4. A pupil maybe detained by a member of staff on any day without a warning.
  5. The following behaviour is totally unacceptable at PROVIDENCE ACADEMY:
  • Smoking, Drinking alcohol or Drug abuse(immediate expulsion)
  • Stealing
  • Carrying of weapons of any sort (immediate expulsion)
  • Fighting
  • Using bad language or bullying
  • Pushing and Shouting
  • Littering/throwing objects through windows.
  1. Late comers to school: Friday detention

This system will not punish the occasional defaulter but is designed to curb habitual lateness on the part certain pupils.

  • School begins daily at 08:20am, learners must be in their first lesson room by 08:00am, a learner is marked as ‘late’ is he/she is not in the classroom by 08:15am.
  • Any learner who is late TWICE A WEEK will be detained after school on Friday of the week in which she/he was late.
  • There will be no prior notice of such a detention, nor will detention be issued to pupils. Pupils must automatically expect to remain on the Friday if they have been late twice in that week.
  • No excuse whatsoever (e.g. Medical appointments, extra lesson, sport matches.) will be accepted. The late comer’s detention takes precedence over all other activities.
  • You will know that you daughter/son has been late for school twice in a week and must expect her/him to leave school at 3:30am on that Friday and you must please make sure the necessary arrangements are in place.

We view punctuality as an essential element of self-discipline, consideration for others, and co-operation in the smooth running of our school. It also prepares our pupils for the rigors of late life when they are required to be punctual in their post-school careers.